Thursday, December 11

Time Travel

I'm pretty much blown away at how easy time travel is. I know, it's also impossible. But you'd be hard pressed to convince me of that once the tree gets into place...a few lights, cinnamon in the air, a nip on the breeze and I'm back in childhood. Not just memories, but all the wonder, excitement & hope comes rushing back. I know the New Year is a great time for reconnecting with the true cares we should be focusing on, but I believe it's the recapturing of our childhood dreams at Christmas that has us convinced at New Years that we CAN tackle all those impossible dreams.

I love Christmas. I am so thankful it's not all year long because Christmas is the prime example of why delayed gratification is always 1000 times better than instant gratification. My poor sister is a lizard - she has to talk herself down from full-scale panic every year when the summer starts to give-way to fall. But that's when I start to count down to these feelings.

I've yet to have kids, but I'm sure that I'm bound to go through all the same phases of pregnancy that millions of women have traversed before me...however, I've got a heads start on many I know as I go through the nesting phase every year for at least a month. Not only do I feel like baking and cleaning and cooking anything that takes forever and fills the entire house with homey smells...I even dive into organization projects that have sat all year nagging at me. I used to think it was a begin-the-New-Year-right sort of a thing. And I think most people would think it's just my organized nature making room for the stuff that's bound to come through my doors during the gift exchange process. But it's true nesting. It's all about creating a home. Even this year as I'm single and my housemates are too busy to decorate the doesn't matter if I'm ALL alone, I would still do this exact same thing.

Here's something I love about my particular design...there are just some things that no matter if I'm in a crowd or alone, the fun in it remains the same. For me, Christmas is one of those. I would, for sure, prefer to be with my family on Christmas (all of them), but if I ever found myself alone on Christmas, I would still find a way to have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, festive house, warm smells and time for sentimental thoughts.

So Merry Christmas to you wherever you may be, whomever you may be with or without...may a simple thing like a baby born in a barn bring you great hope, may the story of that Baby's mother's love bring you comfort, may the story of that Baby's success bring you courage and may you find a way to pass those qualities on to others in the days to come.

Merry Christmas!


  1. I love you! I love this post! I love Christmas! Now I need to go bake something delicious. Here's a big hug to you, my friend!

  2. Love this. You have such voice in writing...and I like that it's yours!

  3. Merry Christmas... see you when we all go Caroling :)
